Understanding biocides: Types and applications in industrial water treatment

In industrial water applications, maintaining water quality is crucial to ensure optimal performance, prevent corrosion, and control microbial growth. One essential component in achieving these goals is the use of biocides. Biocides are chemicals specifically designed to eliminate or control the growth of harmful microorganisms in water systems. In this article, we will explore the different types of biocides commonly used in industrial water treatment and their applications.

Chlorine-based biocides

Chlorine-based biocides, such as chlorine gas, sodium hypochlorite, and chlorine dioxide, have long been used as effective disinfectants. These biocides are widely applied in various industrial sectors, including power plants, food and beverage processing, and cooling towers. Chlorine-based biocides work by oxidising cellular components of microorganisms, effectively killing them. As a result, they are highly effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria, viruses, and algae. However, chlorine-based biocides may react with organic matter to form disinfection by-products, which can be a concern in certain applications.

Bromine-based biocides

Bromine-based biocides, such as sodium bromide and bromine tablets, are often used as an alternative to chlorine-based biocides. Bromine-based biocides offer similar disinfection properties to chlorine-based biocides but with reduced formation of disinfection by-products. As a result, they are effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi and are commonly used in swimming pools, spas, and cooling towers. In addition, bromine-based biocides are generally more stable at higher temperatures and pH levels than chlorine-based biocides, making them suitable for a wide range of industrial water applications.


Ozone is a powerful oxidising agent used as a biocide in various water treatment applications. It is a highly reactive molecule that quickly reacts with and destroys microorganisms. Ozone is commonly used in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and semiconductor industries and municipal water treatment. Unlike chlorine-based biocides, ozone does not produce harmful disinfection by-products and has a relatively short half-life, leaving no residual biocide in the water. However, ozone generation requires specialised equipment and careful monitoring to ensure safe and effective application.

Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs)

Quaternary ammonium compounds, or QACs, are cationic surfactants possessing antimicrobial properties. They are effective against a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi, and algae. QACs are commonly used in industrial water systems, such as cooling towers and process water, and the food and beverage industry. They have excellent biocidal activity, low toxicity, and long-lasting effects. In addition, QACs provide some degree of residual protection against microbial regrowth. However, it is essential to note that QACs may lose efficacy in the presence of certain organic compounds and hard water.

Non-oxidising biocides

Non-oxidising biocides, such as isothiazolinones and glutaraldehyde, work by interfering with microbial metabolism or disrupting cell structures. These biocides are effective against several microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and algae. Non-oxidising biocides are commonly used in industrial water systems, oil and gas production, and pulp and paper manufacturing. They are often chosen when chlorine or bromine-based biocides are unsuitable due to compatibility issues or the need for extended protection against microorganisms.

Contact Bonchem for details

When selecting a biocide for industrial water treatment, it is crucial to consider factors such as the specific water system, target microorganisms, compatibility with other chemicals, and potential environmental impact. Additionally, proper dosage, application methods, and regular monitoring are essential to ensure the effectiveness of biocidal treatments while minimising potential risks. Employing biocides effectively and responsibly can ensure the safety, efficiency, and longevity of industries’ water systems.

Contact us for more information about our biocide solutions. Alternatively, please continue to browse our website to find the right solution for your industry.