The Ultimate Water Cooling and Chemical Package for Deposit Control

THERMOFLOW® is the ultimate water cooling and chemical package for deposit control. The THERMOFLOW® product range was developed for deposit control in deep oil exploration wells, where extreme temperatures and severe water qualities lead to excessive deposit formation using traditional scale inhibitors/dispersants.
The pentagram shows the scale inhibition and dispersing capabilities of THERMOFLOW® measured by five parameters generally important for deposit control in water systems.

The scale inhibition properties of our THERMOFLOW® range of products excel over any other product currently available on the market. THERMOFLOW® is specifically used where poor-quality water needs to be used as the make-up source for cooling systems

Alternatively, the product could be used where a higher concentration factor of the cooling water is required. Increasing the concentration factor of the cooling water is a direct water saving to the customer. THERMOFLOW® is also used to protect reticulation systems against scale formation. Normally, scale build-up reduces the pipework's inside diameter, reducing water flow and plant efficiency.


Top Left Photo: Untreated, clogged up Pipline.

Bottom Right Photo: Thermoflow® Treated Pipeline is beautifuly cleaned with no sludge or dirt left behind.



  • Powerful sequestering agent
  • Loads the particles with a strong anionic charge
  • Modifies/distorts the crystal structure

What are the benefits of using THERMOFLOW®

  • On equal cost basis - improved results
  • Superior scale inhibition
  • Potential result in water savings - Operate system at increased cycles of concentration
  • Potential reduction of effluent loading - Increased cycles = reduced bleed-off
  • Can deal more effectively with poor quality make-up water
  • Utilizes crystal modification, sequestration and dispersion
  • Improved recovery characteristics
  • Reduces scale formation under laminar flow conditions

The following graphics show the superior performance of THERMOFLOW® when compare to existing available deposit/scale inhibitors.


Total Dissolved Solids : 5600 ppm
Total Hardness : 620 ppm
Calcium Hardness : 480 ppm
Sulphates : 3120 ppm
Silicates : 240 ppm
pH : 8,5
Total Suspended Solids : 4000 ppm
M-Alkalinity : 610 ppm
P-Alkalinity : 410 ppm
Results are based on equal cost/basis


Total Dissolved Solids : 3000 ppm
Total Hardness : 512 ppm
P-Alkalinity : 1740 ppm
Sulphates : 2130 ppm
M-Alkalinity : 1890 ppm
pH : 10,9
Ammonia : 94 ppm
Calcium Hardness : 145 ppm
Results are based on equal cost/basis


These 4 comparative electron-photographs clearly illustrate the superior ability of THERMOFLOW® deposit inhibitors.
THERMOFLOW® acts as a crystal modifier, dispersant and sequestrant.
